
Delhi witnessed an increase of almost

 71 per cent. "Analysis also suggests that 60-65 per cent of women victims are between 15-30 years old.".Records also revealed that almost 39 per cent of the rapes were committed by friends Inches Mountain Bike Motors and family members’ friends."Police records revealed that 2,095 cases of rape, 5,192 molestations and 1,444 cases of eve-teasing were reported till December 15, 2015, compared to 2,085 rapes, 4,182 molestations and 1,282 eve-teasing cases in the corresponding period previous year. Some 12,208 burglary cases were reported in 2015 against 9,653 marking a rise of 26. While nearly 16.On steep rise in the crime rate, Mr Bassi said: "I know that crime rate has increased, but I can say that we have achieved the target of allowing every citizen in filing an FIR.45 per cent with 7,192 cases reported in 2015 as against 6,176 last year. Robberies also saw an increase of 16.Admitting that crime figures have increased in the city, Delhi police commissioner Bhim Sain Bassi took refuge in the fact that at least, now, more cases are reported unlike earlier when even women hesitated to file FIRs. But I can assure you now that the police works on absolute truth and will continue to do so.""I admit that earlier some police officers may have gotten away with their responsibilities on false grounds.

Delhi witnessed an increase of almost 25 per cent in total crimes registered under IPC in 2015, with motor vehicle thefts and snatching increasing by over 35 per cent as compared to 2014, the Delhi police annual review data revealed.50 per cent rapes were committed by neighbours of the victims and around 14 per cent by relatives, around 2 per cent of the offenders were co-workers and 25 per cent cases pertained to other known persons.

Their self-defence expertise shall be a sure counter to sick mindset men," Mr Bassi said.He also said that women need to be trained in self-defence, which can help in tackling the steep rise in the instances of crime against women." he added and used two rape cases in which the victims were two months old and 80 years respectively as examples.47 per cent.According to the annual review figures, there was over 40 per cent increase in motor vehicle theft cases in 2015 and cases of snatching increased up by 35.Sharing points from his analysis of crime against women in the national capital, Mr Bassi said 70 per cent of the perpetrators in rape cases belong to the age group 21-35 years.Rape cases also saw a marginal spurt — 2,095 rape cases were reported in 2015 as against 2,085 cases reported in 2014 for the corresponding period. "Crime-mapping analysis of the city suggested that any woman in a locality is surrounded by anything between 250-400 men who would not think twice before assaulting a woman."I have often been criticised for my views on self-defence, mostly by groups who know how to shed crocodile tears

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